But I started hitting the needles again earlier this week and I plan to finish those pair of gloves this weekend (Sorry, Chelsey!) I don't think I'll get Chris' cardigan finished by next week, but that's fine. I got a late start on it anyway and some of the other projects for the 2011 Sweater Challenge will be fairly quick.
I also plan to work some more on my knit top I talked about here, but I'm not promising myself I'll finish it this weekend. That's just setting the bar too high since I've still got laundry to do, taxes to pay and other things to do that I've gotten behind on. I'm starting to pick up the pieces, though, and get things back on track.
Though I haven't done anything crafty in the past couple weeks, I have made some killer recipes (I've gotta eat, yo) and planned out our spring and fall gardens. In fact, we dropped the onion sets into the ground Valentine's Day weekend.
Next up we'll start seeds for broccoli and spinach. We can start those inside as early as next weekend.
To plan out the garden, we're using this book
Mom gave it to us for Christmas and I've flipped through it many times since December. It gives tips on how to plant seeds and/or plants, when to apply side dressings, how to prevent disease and pests and what are some good companion plants. It's all organized in a user-friendly layout and easy to read and use. I'm looking forward to referring to it several times this year.
As promised, I'll snap a few pics of the cardigan and post these on here sometime later this weekend or early next week.
No hurry on the gloves Beth!! Finish the cardigan instead!! :)